Sony recently revealed many details about the PS5's backward compatibility, including the Game Boost feature, which will support nearly all PS4 games and deliver better performance. And now, with the help of Sucker Punch Productions, the developer of "Ghost of Tsushima," we have some insight into how Game Boost can make PS4 games even better.
Sony's game studio confirmed on Twitter that the PS5's Game Boost feature will allow players to enjoy the samurai action game at a smooth 60 fps (the PS4 version is currently 30 fps). "Ghost of Tsushima" is already known for its short load times. Sucker Punch claims that PS5 will improve on this.
Sony first mentioned the PS5's Game Boost feature back in March, but this is the first clear example of how this feature will make PS4 games run more smoothly. In a post on the PlayStation Blog, Sony stated that loading times for PS4 games will be reduced and frame rates will improve or stabilize. It also states that games that use dynamic resolutions may achieve more stable 4K fidelity.
As for how the Xbox Series X will enhance older games, early hands-on previews of titles like "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice," which was close to 30 fps on the Xbox One X but runs at a smooth 60 It has already been revealed that this is now the case.
How Game Boost will enhance other PS4 exclusives and third-party games has yet to be revealed, but titles like "The Last of Us Part II," "Uncharted 4," and "God of War" are all running at a silky 60fps. We would certainly like to see titles such as "The Last of Us Part II," "Uncharted 4," and "God of War" running at a silky smooth 60fps. Fortunately, we won't have to wait too long to see our favorite PS4 games run on the PS5, as the new console goes on sale November 12 in the US and November 19 in the UK