WhatsApp has been seen as a fairly secure messaging service, but support for fingerprint login may make it even more secure.
WhatsApp is often used on mobile devices, where biometric security is widespread. However, to log in to the desktop or web app version, users must scan a QR code with a device linked to their phone number.
However, WABetaInfo found a description in the latest beta version of WhatsApp for Android that indicates that biometric authentication can be used instead of such authentication.
When logging into the desktop or web version of WhatsApp, users must point their phone's rear camera at a QR code to authenticate that they are logged into a WhatsApp account linked to their phone number.
This is not a difficult process, but it is not an intuitive way to log in. Also, scanning the QR code can be noisy on some models.
But with the addition of the fingerprint authentication process, it looks like it will be a lot easier. Of course, there needs to be an Android phone nearby, but at least you don't have to stop and scan the QR code.
Speed and convenience are what the update to the production version of WhatsApp brings. Such features are usually quickly introduced and deployed in WhatsApp.
Ideally, the desktop and web versions of WhatsApp would incorporate features such as biometric security for laptops, e.g., Windows Hello or a built-in fingerprint scanner for login authentication.
WhatsApp has already announced that it will allow users to use their WhatsApp accounts on multiple devices without being tied to a phone number.