What to plant in the 11th month - get your garden ready for spring

What to plant in the 11th month - get your garden ready for spring

November is here, the weather is getting colder and the days shorter. While you may be tempted to get your house ready for fall and learn how to air out your radiators, don't forget about your garden. In fact, there are several things that can be planted this time of year that can be harvested in the spring.

Whether you want to fill your flower beds with fresh flowers or grow your own vegetables, there are still plenty of bulbs and seeds to sow. This is because the soil is still warm and will yield better results.

When the daffodils bloom, they are a sea of yellow and very beautiful. If the soil is not frozen, you can plant the bulbs now and enjoy the spring display. They are very easy to grow and only need regular watering.

Bulbs grow best when planted 3 to 6 inches deep and spaced 4 to 5 inches apart.

Hyacinths are another bulb that can be planted now if you want them to bloom in the spring. Plant these bulbs 4 inches deep and 3 inches apart. Hyacinths prefer full sun, but will also grow in shade.

Pansies provide much-needed color to the garden in winter. They require regular watering, feeding, and dead leaf plucking to keep them healthy.

At this time of year, you can plant mature pansies, but it is too late to sow seeds.

Sweet pea seeds can be sown in November and will grow strong, but should be sown in a frost-free location. The seeds should naturally stick to the posts, but may be tied if necessary.

The seeds do not need to be sown deeply; they should be sown a little less than half an inch apart, 8 inches apart.

Snapdragons are another option if you want to add color to your garden during the cold season. It grows best in warmer climates, so plant it in a sunny location. While it is natural for them to fade in the spring, some will return to their original color as temperatures drop.

Only fully grown snapdragons should be planted at this time of year.

This is a good time to plant certain herbs such as rosemary, parsley, thyme, and chives. These herbs can handle cooler temperatures, so you'll have your own personal seasoning for years to come.

Before planting in beds, we recommend using a growing tray like Amazon's 10 Seed Starting Plant Growing Trays. Seeds should be planted 1 inch deep and spaced according to the size of the herb.

If you like garlic, now is the time. Plant one clove in the fall and you can harvest it next summer. Garlic requires little care except for occasional watering when the soil dries out. Protect garlic from birds by covering it with fleece or straw when it is first planted.

Cloves should be spaced 6 inches apart, with the tips slightly below the soil surface. The flat side should be on the bottom and the pointed side on the top.

You can sow the pods now for harvest next summer, but they need protection unless you live in a warm climate. When picking the pods, wait until the beans are visible. [Seeds should be sown 2 inches deep and spaced about 8 inches apart.

It is better to plant onions outdoors when they are small, not as seeds. When planting onions in the ground, the tips should be visible. Again, it is best to cover them with a fleece or other covering to keep birds away. Harvesting should be done in June or later. Leave a space of about 4 cm between the plants.
