Glutes Workout: 5 Best Exercises to Target the largest muscles of the body

Glutes Workout: 5 Best Exercises to Target the largest muscles of the body

If you really want to work your glutes, you're probably adding squats to your workout routine. But not all exercises are created equal. To really target different parts of the glutes, you need to mix things up (no, I don't mean do the squat challenge).

The glutes are the largest muscles in the body, and if your goal is to train the glutes, you need to target different parts of the glutes. The gluteus maximus is the highest of the gluteus maximus muscles and is responsible for moving the hip joint, for example, when jumping on something. The gluteus minimus muscle is next, located below the gluteus medius, and supports the hip joint and aids in walking and leg rotation. The gluteus maximus is the largest of the three gluteus maximus muscles and is responsible for hip rotation and lateral rotation of the thigh. The gluteus maximus is also involved in the shape of the buttocks, so if there is a more aesthetic goal, the gluteus maximus is often targeted.

Of course, keeping the glutes strong is important even if training the glutes is not the goal. The glutes are responsible for powering the legs when jumping, walking, and running, so runners especially need to keep their glutes strong if they want to target a PR in their next race.

Target the glutes. Add these exercises to your workout routine.

A simple exercise that can be done using only your own body weight, the glute bridge targets the hamstrings and glutes, while also working the core. To perform the glute bridge, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. While engaging the core (with the image of sucking the navel in toward the spine), lift the hips so that the knees, hips, and shoulders are in a straight line. Finally, exerting strength in the glutes, lower the hips back down to the starting position, aiming for 2 sets of 10 repetitions.

To make this movement harder, place a weighted bar across your hips. You can also wrap a resistance band around your legs from the knees up or elevate your feet on a box or step to increase your range of motion. Finally, to work the glutes, try adding single-leg glute bridges to your routine.

When done with correct form, glute kickbacks target all the different muscles in the glutes, hamstrings, and core. To do glute kickbacks, you need to use a resistance band looped around your ankles (do not have one. We've rounded up the best resistance bands on the market here). Your legs should be hip-width apart and your center engaged, you will want to face a wall or chair to hold on to, should you need assistance. Kick your right foot out behind you while balancing on your left foot. The right foot should not be out to the side, but straight out behind you. Pause at the top and return to the starting position. This is one rep. Aim for 2 sets of 10 reps on each side.

To make this movement harder, increase the intensity of the resistance bands. You can also use a cable machine at the gym with ankle straps attached.

This somewhat oddly named exercise is a glute killer. The fire hydrant targets the gluteus maximus and also works the hips and core. To perform fire hydrants, get on all fours and place your knees under your hips and your arms under your shoulders. With core strength, raise your right knee out to the side while keeping the knee bent. Stop and pause at waist height, then lower the knee back to its original position. This is one rep. Do the same on the other side. Aim for 3 sets of 10 reps on each side.

To make the fire hydrant exercise harder, add a pulse to the movement.

Return to the classic squat, but this time add resistance. Squats generally target the gluteus maximus, but if done correctly, they also work the hip flexors and quadriceps. Adding a resistance band increases the intensity of the squat. Kettlebells or dumbbells can also be added to make this movement harder (we have selected a selection of adjustable dumbbells that are ideal for home gyms).

To do banded squats, start with a looped resistance band around your thigh just above your knee. Make sure the resistance band is not on the knee joint itself. Standing slightly wider than your feet and hip-width apart, squat back to a seated position while bending your knees. When your thighs are parallel to the floor, pause for 1 second and return to the starting position. This is one rep; aim for three sets of 15 reps.

The Bulgarian split squat is not the easiest exercise, but it is a good way to target the lower leg muscles. When done correctly, the Bulgarian split squat targets the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves. For a harder Bulgarian split squat, hold a kettlebell across your chest or dumbbells in your hands.

To perform Bulgarian split squats, stand in front of a knee-high platform, such as a box or chair, and take a few steps forward, 2-3 feet apart. Extend your right leg back and place your toes on the platform. Keeping your torso straight, slowly lower your right knee to the floor and stand up to the starting position. This is one rep. Do 3 sets of 10-15 reps per leg.

