The launch of the Apple mixed reality headset is coming sooner than we thought

The launch of the Apple mixed reality headset is coming sooner than we thought

Apple's mixed reality headset will be available soon, but probably only when it is safe for in-person events.

That's right. We may see Apple's first official steps into VR "in the coming months." However, since Apple wants a pre-COVID style launch event rather than live streaming, ideally it won't happen before the world returns to normal.

These details come from a newsletter contributed to Bloomberg by Mark Gurman, who writes that despite the success of online product launches and last year's virtual WWDC 2020, Apple wants to launch the headset at a regular event He writes.

Gurman explains that Apple wants to perfect the headset announcement because it is a completely new product category for the company and the first new product since the Apple Watch launched in 2015. Therefore, he said, the company has more control over how the headset is introduced and demonstrated, and the best way to do that is at an event held at Apple's headquarters.

However, that may not stop Apple from officially revealing that it will be entering the VR headset market before then. A pre-announcement would allow the company to more openly work with developers to ensure that a VR app ecosystem is in place for users when the headset launches. This is similar to the three-month gap between the release of the latest version of iOS at WWDC in June and its rollout to the iPhone in September.

From the rumors we've heard so far, Apple's mixed reality headset will have impressive features. Dual 8K displays, an eye-tracking camera, a hand-tracking camera, and a LiDAR sensor are all expected to be included in the headset, as well as a minimal controller in the form of a smart ring that will be attached to the user's finger.

The price is impressive in a not-so-fun way. Depending on which source you read, it is rumored to be between $1,000 and $3,000. This high price tag is apparently due to the fact that Apple is targeting this headset at a professional user base rather than the average consumer and, as a result, expects to sell fewer units per year.

Apple Glasses, on the contrary, is expected to be a consumer product, but the downside is that it is unlikely to appear for several more years.

The rumored specs of the Apple Headset will mean that it will soon be one of the best VR headsets of our choice, whether Apple announces it directly or through digital means. Its price, however, means that it will take time for Apple's VR offering to become as mainstream as the iPhone.
