Does your broadband suck? The FCC wants to hear from you

Does your broadband suck? The FCC wants to hear from you

If broadband in your area is poor, the FCC wants to know about it The FCC is collecting information on broadband availability in the U.S. and wants input from real consumers.

Previously, the FCC relied on data Internet providers. But as anyone who has dealt with an Internet provider knows, that information is not necessarily representative of the performance of their service. That is why the FCC has contacted you directly.

"Without access to broadband, too many Americans are left behind from access to jobs, education, and health care," said FCC Acting Chairman Jessica Rosenworcel in an official statement. Collecting data from consumers who are directly affected by the lack of broadband access will help the FCC in its mapping work and future decisions about where service is needed."

Head to the FCC's Consumer Complaint Center, fill out this form, and let your voice be heard. Whatever your complaint is about broadband in your area, whether it's the lack of choice, the high cost, the slow speeds, or something else entirely, now is your chance to tell the people who might actually do something about it.

We could complain to the providers, but who has time to spend all day on the phone?

You could explain the problem in three to five sentences and provide your name, state, zip code, phone number, and any attachments that you think would help the FCC better understand what you are saying.

The point is to compare the data to the FCC's existing broadband map. It is based on data collected by Internet providers, and providers have been accused of overstating their service coverage in a sketchy way.

These maps are designed to help the FCC figure out exactly how it will regulate broadband across the country and which Internet projects need subsidies. Therefore, they need to be accurate to be effective, and the FCC wants to get a better picture of what is happening by going to the people The FCC will not only continue to collect data from Internet providers, but will also go to state and local governments to supplement the information plans to do so.

The FCC has not indicated how else it will use this information, but of course, without knowing where the problem areas are, it cannot hope to improve broadband speeds nationwide. This is important enough to get involved.

So, if you have shoddy Internet, are forced to pay high connection fees, or have other Internet problems, please make your voice heard.
