Netflix's new crime comedy show “A Man on the Inside” has arrived. The creators of “The Good Place” have teamed up again with Ted Danson for this hilarious new comedy. The same streaming writer, Martin Shore, gave his thoughts on the trailer a few weeks ago.
And as a lover of good hoddanit with sharp wit woven into quirky concepts, this may be the perfect binge for this weekend. Rotten Tomatoes has been well-received and is already ranked as one of Netflix's must-watch shows of the year.
Early reviews have praised the incredibly moving but entertaining plot and the standout performance of protagonist Ted Danson, who infiltrates a nursing home to solve crimes.
So, if you're looking for something new to watch on streaming services, here's everything you need to know about “A Man on the Inside” and why critics love it.
Charles (Ted Danson), a widower looking to escape his mundane life, answers the call of a private detective on a strange theft case. Posing as a rookie, he infiltrates an elderly community, where he makes unexpected connections, new friendships, and develops a close relationship with his daughter.
Director Mike Schur told Netflix: “This is a multi-generational show, and it's equally important to investigate the inner lives of people my age. Because it's strange when your own parents start to need your help. The basis of our relationships is that we need our parents' help. We never talk about these things. It is especially difficult to talk directly with parents.”
As of this writing, “A Man on the Inside” has an impressive score of 94% from about 16 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. Most of the praise is due to the show's charm and, of course, to Danson's excellent performance as the nursing home double agent.
Variety's Alamide Tinubu says: “An engaging and entertaining hoddanit that examines grief, love, and the excitement of new beginnings from the perspective of the elderly.” Meanwhile, Rolling Stone's Alan Sepinwall calls it “smart, kind, and incredibly warm, a much-needed healing at a moment when the world feels very angry and cold.”
Salon's Melanie McFarland also found it very heartwarming: instead of reaching for easy jokes, or not reaching at all, “The Man Within” makes kindness and honesty its North Star. It's not the funniest comedy on television, but it may be the most watchable and poignant.”
Some critics, however, were critical; Kelly Lawler of USA Today says: “A light mishmash of themes and ideas, the series still feels more like a sketch on a drawing board than a fully realized story with an origin story.
But other reviews remain very positive, and there is no doubt that “A Man on the Inside” will be in Netflix's top 10; TV Insider's Matt Roush is also a sure bet for this weekend's viewing in his review: “I am on the Inside is as funny as it is incredibly moving, and I found myself fighting back tears as I enjoyed this showcase of some of TV's most treasured and still shining stars.”
Yes, if you like charming comedies full of humor and emotion, you should definitely stream “Man on the Inside” this weekend.
“The Inner Workings” is definitely a comedy about spies, but it's just as much a heartfelt look at the trials and tribulations of aging, friendship, and loneliness. Of course, the show plays with the cozy mystery format, but at its core it is a story of elders rediscovering connection and purpose.
Find More Check out the best comedies currently available on Netflix. Also watch these Netflix movies before they stop streaming at the end of the month.
Stream “The Man Within” on Netflix now.