Official Android support for the Pixel 6 appears to be far from over. Despite the scheduled three-year Android update that expired last month, the device was included in the newly released Android 16 developer preview, suggesting that a surprise Android 16 update may be on the way within the next year.
This is a curious development, given that Google did not adopt its generous commitment of seven years of software support until the launch of the Google Pixel 8. As Android Police points out, the mid-range Pixel 6a may have something to do with this Although.
The Pixel 6a lost full Android support in July and will be limited to security updates for the next two years; when we assumed Android 16 would arrive in late summer or fall, this was not really something to worry about. Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro, because support for Android 15 has been extended by a few months and will be limited to security updates for the next two years.
However, Google will release Android 16 early, which could make the Pixel 6a one of the oldest phones to receive a software update. The question is why Google spent the effort to release Android 16 on the Pixel 6a instead of the Pixel 6, even though all three phones run on very similar systems.
After all, it would have been incredibly easy for Google to keep the core Pixel 6 model out of the developer preview, and no one would have questioned it. Both models are in the process of receiving security updates only, and it is unlikely that Google would have kept that timeline a secret.
As Android Police says, it is actually better to roll out security fixes to the latest version of Android than to backport to an older version. if the Android (and Linux) kernel is not up to date, phone manufacturers have to rely on individual fixes being identified as security updates before they are rolled out.
Google therefore encourages handset manufacturers to keep their phones on the latest version of Android whenever possible. Nevertheless, few Android phones actually receive full Android updates for more than two to three years. That privilege is usually only offered to the likes of Google, Samsung, and Fairphone.
Until Google makes an official announcement about Android 16 support, we will not know for sure. But as of now, the Pixel 6 may appear to be breathing a little more life back into it.