Looking for today's Connections answer for puzzle #520 on November 12, a little harder than yesterday's puzzle, the Connections companion rated this puzzle 3 out of 5 for difficulty.
We update our Connections clues and hints daily. And if the hints aren't enough for you, here are four solutions along with the category title and related words. In addition, for those of you reading this in a different time zone, I have included a reflection on yesterday's puzzle 519.
There are spoilers for connection 520. Please only read this if you want to know the answer to today's connection.
Or see our guide to playing NYT Connections.
While the Wordle of the Day answer guide recommends the best wordle starting word as a strategy, the Connections answer depends on identifying the categories that are connected from the 16 words. The difficulty of each category is represented by a color, with yellow being the easiest grouping and purple the most difficult. Hints are helpful as the answer is displayed after four wrong guesses.
If you need a hint to solve the groupings, here are each theme in order of difficulty:
These hints should at least help you find the answer to today's connection. If not, please continue reading for larger hints. Also, if you just want the answer, scroll down further.
Here's a bigger hint: Don't complain, eat your vegetables, and check out the best laptop before you face justice.
Now, what's the answer to today's game #520 Connection?
Drum roll please.
Before we begin, I would like to acknowledge that the Engineers Union has ended its strike against the New York Times. As of this writing, there is no announcement that readers will be returning to NYT Games, but the strike gaming website is still live. Those who have been avoiding the official app and website to support it can return. However, if you still follow the Tech Guild's social media accounts and want to learn more from them, check them out.
Today's puzzle ends via the strike website.
Whenever I see a ram in a game, I immediately think it must be an astrological reference, and I'm usually right. It got me again today.
I didn't find the astrological connection I was looking for, but the floret, spear, and stem did. Took me a while to find cloves in the vegetable “unit.”
A stomach ache and a grumble were the next sticks. I guessed at crab and knew that carp meant grumbling, but I was spinning my wheels there. This should have been green instead of yellow, it seemed.
I had focused on robes, scales, and blindfolds, so by removing the first two categories, I could easily grab the purple feature of justice by adding blindfolds.
Working for a tech website, I should probably be a little more ashamed that I saved laptop specs like RAM, resolution, speed, and storage for last. Ouch.
I'm reading this late in the day. Here is the Connections Answer for game #519, which according to Connections Companion was 2.8 out of 5 on the difficulty scale.
Demi puzzled Alyce at first, but once she saw the push-up, she instantly understood what Connections must be, before closing out the remaining blue categories with Sports and Wireless.
With so much Halloween candy still left at her house, it was no surprise that the yellow category had Crunch, Dove, Mars, and Payday. (Alyce ran out last year, but thinks she may have gone a little overboard this time.)
She is a big Greta Gerwig fan, so when she learned that “Early” and “Lady” were two of the remaining clues, she immediately looked for other bird-related words. Big was easy to guess, so I put Sue in on the spur of the moment and ended up solving the purple category.
Green filled in the core, meet, substance, thrust, and today's memorization, giving her enough ideas to correctly guess the relevance.