“Mission: Impossible” series, in which Tom Cruise's Ethan Hunt continues to raise the bar for deadly stunts and intense espionage, has set a milestone in the action genre. Now, the first trailer for “Mission: Impossible: The Last Stand” has been released: and now the trailer for “Mission: Impossible: The Last Decision” (thank goodness for that title) has been released.
This final chapter directly follows the events of “Dead Reckoning,” in which Ethan confronts a rogue AI that seeks to turn the world's surveillance systems and military weapons against each other. For fans who have been following Hunt's journey, this final chapter will be a culmination not to be missed. Even for those who just want to enjoy the spectacle, this preview suggests that the final film will have no shortage of the gut-wrenching action sequences that have made “Mission: Impossible” a movie staple for over 20 years.
Of course, I'm not going to spoil everything revealed in the trailer. But the stakes couldn't be higher, and the action looks incredibly relentless (because Cruise is constantly pushing his limits). Teaser trailer begins below:
After the tragic train crash at the conclusion of “Dead Reckoning,” Ethan discovers that “The Entity” is hidden on an abandoned Russian submarine. But he is not alone in his search for it. An old enemy, Gabriel (Esai Morales), is also after it.
In the thrilling trailer, Cruz dives deep into the sunken submarine, pilots a biplane into free fall, and shows off plenty of his signature high-speed driving. Fans will also love that Angela Bassett reprises her role from “Mission: Impossible/Fallout” as CIA Director Erica Sloane: Also, Angela Bassett reprises her role from “Mission: Impossible/Fallout” as CIA Director Erica Sloane. Fallout.
The subdued tone of the trailer suggests that the epic eight-film “Mission: Impossible” series is poised for a true end: the “Impossible” series is not all sunshine and rainbows. Once again, Ethan has the weight of the world on his shoulders, but the stakes feel more personal than ever. This time, his relentless drive to protect those he loves may come at a grave price. And, of course, we can look forward to the last of the now-62-year-old Cruise's gut-wrenching stunts.
No official synopsis has been given yet, but judging by the trailer, it will probably be emotional and incredibly tense. In the meantime, you can watch the “Mission: Impossible” films online in order until “Mission: The Last Reckoning” hits screens in May 2025.